China Travel final drive for KOBELCO SK025-2 | Partsdic®

China Travel final drive for KOBELCO SK025-2 | Partsdic®

Travel final drive for KOBELCO SK025-2 | Partsdic®
Warranty: The travel final drive comes with a warranty from the manufacturer to provide peace of mind to the user.
Maintenance: Regular maintenance is required to keep the travel final drive in good condition. This includes checking the oil level and replacing the oil and filter as needed.
Travel final drive for KOBELCO, SK025-2 | Partsdic®

Part Number: The part number for the travel final drive of the Kobelco SK025-2 is KNA10140.

Weight: The weight of the travel final drive is approximately 46kg.

Dimensions: The dimensions of the travel final drive are 360mm x 240mm x 240mm.

Gear Ratio: The gear ratio of the travel final drive is 56:16.

Motor Type: The travel final drive of the Kobelco SK025-2 uses a hydraulic motor to provide power to the tracks.

Oil Seal: The travel final drive is equipped with a high-quality oil seal that helps prevent oil leaks and contamination.

Compatibility: The travel final drive is compatible with other components of the Kobelco SK025-2 excavator, including the hydraulic system and the tracks.

Durability: The travel final drive is designed to withstand harsh working conditions and is made of high-quality materials to ensure long-lasting performance.

Warranty: The travel final drive comes with a warranty from the manufacturer to provide peace of mind to the user.

Maintenance: Regular maintenance is required to keep the travel final drive in good condition. This includes checking the oil level and replacing the oil and filter as needed.

SK025-2 | Partsdic® Travel final drive for KOBELCO